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New Paper on Marine Propeller Physics

Marine propellers are a significant source of noise and contribute considerably to the environmental impact of shipping. Their acoustic footprint is also detrimental to the stealth capabilities of military vessels, making it beneficial for both commercial and military vessels to reduce the noise made by propeller cavitation. By analysing the sound produced by marine propellers, we can not only improve our understanding of noise generation and propagation, but also support cost-effective design and noise-mitigation solutions.

In this new paper in the journal Physics of Fluids, SATURN researchers Antonio Posa, Mario Felli, and Riccardo Broglia describe a the influence of an upstream hydrofoil on the acoustic signature of a marine propeller. The publication documents the methodologies, test setup, computation of sound pressure levels, and the acoustic analysis.

Read the paper, Influence of an upstream hydrofoil on the acoustic signature of a propeller, at, or visit our Results page to see more of our peer-reviewed publications.


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